29 January 2009

Madison to Chicago

There is a proposal out there that will extend the Hiawatha service (that currently runs from Milwaukee to Chicago) to the Madison. Here are a couple of the main points:

-8 trains a day from Madison to Chicago
-2 hour 45 min travel time (which is about the same as in a car, although that's if you don't get caught in too much traffic)
-Trains operating at up to 110 mph (which is technically not high speed, high speed rail is said to be operating at over 125 mph), which is a good starting point for new rail service
-Wisconsin has set aside $80 million to be matched by federal funds for the project

Let's get this going! Write to you representative or senator and let him/her know that this would be a great project for Wisconsin to pursue. Why?

-Reduce cars on the road between Madison-Milwaukee-Chicago
-Miss the traffic outside of Chicago
-Environmental benefits/help stop global warming
-Create jobs in Wisconsin

and not to mention:

-NO MORE TOLLS when driving in Illinois!

So please, give your money to the hardworking people of Wisconsin, not the bureaucrats ("cough, Blagojevich, cough") of Illinois.

Here is a map of the proposed route:

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