07 February 2009

Feingold Supports Rail (and a story from Germany)

It's good to know that our Senator Russ Feingold supports investing in rail to help improve our infrastructure.

From his website:

"Feingold similarly supported investment in transit and passenger rail infrastructure in the letter, which also would help reduce transportation barriers."

I know he has bigger fish to fry like the whole saving our constitution thing. But it's nice to know where he stands.

The note about transportation barriers is interesting. To me this means rail is a good way for people to get our and see more places. When I was in Germany, travel by train was extremely easy. You just buy your ticket and go. No security, not many delays, and loads of comfort on board. This allowed for very easy travel, very encouraging for people to get up and get out.

One of my favorite stories from Germany was where one Saturday two of my friends and I decided to buy a German weekend pass. This allowed us to travel anywhere in Germany as long as it was by regional rail, and was good for up to five people. When we arrived at the train station that day we did not know where we wanted to go. When we entered the main hall, we looked to the train departure board. From this we decided to go to Görlitz, Germany. From there we could walk over to Poland. Since we had about a half hour to kill before the train left, we called another friend and asked him if he wanted to go to Poland, and he did.

Being in Germany allowed us to travel to Poland and we only had to decide to go a half hour before. Now that's breaking down transportation barriers.

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